Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sounds Like Life To Me

"Sounds Like Life To Me" by Darryl Worley has been the theme song at our house lately.  Nothing terrible, heart breaking or life threatening has been going on, but it seems as though everything else that could possibly happen, has.  Continually.  Never Ending.  It will NOT stop.  And, I feel like I need to listen to the song again.  :)  Henry got sick about 2 weeks ago with a mysterious fever.  There were NO other symptoms.  NONE.  No cough, no runny nose, no ear pulling, no hoarseness, no diarrhea, no vomiting, nothing, just a fever...of 103F.  Nothing major, right?!?!  Wrong.  I was freaking out.  We went to the ER, nothing.  We went to Urgent Care, they did a strep throat swab, listened to his lungs, checked his ears, did blood work, cannot find a thing.  Viral. 

If you are a Mom, if you have ever had a sick child, if you have ever been told, viral, you will understand.  I HATE THIS WORD!!  There is nothing that can be done.  Wait.  Hopefully, he will get better.  What?!?!  Really, that is the answer I get?  Now, don't get me wrong, our doctor is a close family friend and I believe what he says.  But, it sucks.  When your 15 month old has a fever of 103F and there is nothing you can do, you feel helpless.  Six days we went through the same routine.  Tylenol, one hour of orneriness while we waited for it to kick in, one hour of sleeping or slightly less orneriness, one hour of crabbiness, ibuprofen....and on, and on and on.  :(  It was rough, on everyone.  Then day six came and it was gone, just as fast as it appeared.  Ugh.

Logan started soccer about three weeks ago.  This is always a fun time of year for us.  We have been a "soccer" family for four years now, so we really get into it.  But, that also means we have practice twice a week for an hour at a time.  Plus games on Saturday morning.  It is tons of fun, but another time sucker in an already crazy schedule.  Sophie has been doing well.  Thankfully.  With everything else going on, I don't know if we could handle much more.  Logan's birthday was also this week.  I cannot believe my boy is nine years old already.  Crazy how time flies so fast.


So, we had a birthday breakfast of Chocolate Chip pancakes.

 Then we were thankful to share Logan's birthday cake with Grandma whose birthday falls two days before Logan's.


And through all of this, we were able to have a little craft time.  Happy Mother's Day!


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