Sunday, October 21, 2012

Handy Kitchen Tips

If there was ever one thing that I would absolutely have to know about kitchen work, well, there are too many!!  I have picked up so many "helpful" hints since I was a little girl helping my mom in the kitchen that I have probably forgotten half of them!  How did I ever manage anything in the kitchen before I knew a few of these?!?!  So, I decided to make a list.  Whether you are a newbie in the kitchen or an "old hat", hopefully one of these things will be something new for you!  

1.  If you have to measure honey or corn syrup, or any other sticky substance, spray the measuring spoon or cup with cooking spray first.  It will coat the cup, but not leave any odd tastes in the food.

2.  Add a tablespoon of baking soda to your pan when boiling eggs.  It will make the egg shells virtually fall right off!  Hardly no peeling needed!

3.  Keep single chopsticks in your flour container, simply for "leveling" the cup!  So much easier than always getting out a butter knife.

4.  Add a slice of bread to the bottom of your cookie jar before filling it up.  The bread will suck up the moisture and get hard instead of your cookies!

5.  Place a wooden spoon across the top of your pan when boiling anything.  The pot will NOT boil over.

6.  For potato salad, chop eggs with a pastry blender.  It cuts them up wonderfully.

7.  When you buy celery, take it out of the plastic bag and wrap it in tin foil.  It will last three times longer.

8.  Wrap tin foil around the cluster at the top of a bunch of bananas.  They will last twice as long.

9.  When greasing a cake pan or bread pan, put the oil on a piece of bread.  It is much easier to get it into the corners and doesn't leave any paper towel bits.

10.  When you are not using both racks in the oven, pull out the extra one and use it as a cooling rack.  If you are making cookies and they may fall through, cover the rack in tin foil before use.

These are just a few of my top favorite tips.  Some of these things I do not know what I would do without!  If you have any great hints, leave me a post!  

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