Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Had someone told me that I would have insomnia while there was a toddler and an almost toddler living in my house, I would have showed them the way to the funny farm.  Yet, here I sit, at 230am, wide awake.  What is up with that?!?!  Sophie (my 3 year old) has never been a good sleeper.  Not once since we brought her home from the hospital have I had a decent night of sleep, unless she was having a sleep over with Grandma!  Most of the time, I have no idea what her issue with sleeping is.  Sometimes, she is over tired, or napped too long during the day, or is excited about tomorrow's activities, or is having a bad night.  But, on the standard side, she just does not sleep well.  If she falls asleep quickly, there is no doubt that she will be awake by 130am, ready to "start the day, Mom!"  If it takes her a couple hours (like tonight, three and a half hours) to fall asleep, she is still up and ready to go by 5am.  

This trait did not come from her mommy.  I like sleep.  I have always been a really good sleeper.  I fall asleep quickly, I don't like to wake up, I would much rather snuggle in my bed for 30-45 minutes after waking rather than getting up and being motivated.  With Sophie's wonderful sleep schedule, there isn't much chance for insomnia.  Normally.  Tonight??  Who knows.  Yet, I found myself tossing and turning and making lists in my head of the things that I would really like to get accomplished tomorrow.  Very seldom does this happen, but when it does, it is frustrating!  I know that at the maximum from right now as I sit here typing, my little Boo will be ready for her day to start within two and a half hours.  :(

My boys, on the other hand, definitely have acquired their sleeping habits from their mommy.  Logan (age 9) made it quite the habit this summer to stroll out of bed anywhere from 11am to 1pm.  That's my boy!  I remember fondly the days when I could do that!  Henry (my almost toddler, age 20 months) has slept like a peach since we brought him home from the hospital.  He goes to sleep in his bed, by himself, without a fuss every single nap and bed time.  There is sometimes quiet playing that can be heard from his monitor, but within 30 minutes, he has picked up his toys, crawled back into his bed and gone to sleep until his sister is too noisy for him to continue sleeping.  Most days, if I can keep the loud mouth (said with lots of love!!) quiet, Henry will sleep the clock around.  For those of you whose parents didn't use that term frequently, 12 hours!  Or more!  

I often say that if my 3 year old slept as well as the 20 month old, bed time could be bliss! Alas, it is not so, yet.  I have a lot of faith in her that she will some day...before I am old and gray, sleep well.  At least one night.  It has to happen, right?!?!  Until that day, nights like this take quite the toll on this Momma.  I can tell you how it will go, before it even happens.  I will finally, happily, slip into dream land...and the pitter patter of my love's feet will hit the floor.  Just as I am about to become completely unconscious, due to lack of sleep, the most adorable little girl will slip in my bed beside me.  Then she will whisper quietly, "Good morning, Mom."  And we will start another day that I am blessed to have with her.  :)

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